辜嘉 教授

辜嘉 博士

教授 博導/碩導






2005 信號資訊處理博士, 雷恩第一大學, 法國

2001 生物醫學工程碩士, 東南大學, 中國

1999 生物醫學工程學士, 東南大學, 中國



DCS001            人工智能研究

MCS006           人工智能和计算智能









Refereed Journal Articles

1. Z. Zhang, J. He, J. Gu. Saliency-guided Stairs Detection on Wearable RGB-D Devices for Visually Impaired Persons with Swin-Transformer. Pattern Recognition Letters 177 (2024) 47-53

2. X. Lin, J. Gu. A biochemiluminescent assay for rapid diagnosis of influenza, January 2022 Clinical and Experimental Medicine, vol 22, pages577–581 (2022)

3. Y. Zhang, L. li, J. Gu. Cervical Precancerous Lesion Detection Based on Deep Learning of Colposcopy Images. May 2020 Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 10(5):1234-1241 DOI:10.1166/jmihi.2020.3051

4. S. Chen, Y. Zhou, J. Gu. Gencore: An efficient tool to generate consensus reads for error suppressing and duplicate removing of NGS data. December 2019 BMC Bioinformatics 20(S23) DOI:10.1186/s12859-019-3280-9

5. S. Chen, H. Qu, J. Gu. Detect and visualize tumor microsatellite instability status from next-generation sequencing data by simulating PCR techniques. May 2019 Journal of Clinical Oncology 37 DOI:10.1200/JCO.2019.37.15_suppl.e13052

6. S. Chen, T. Huang, J. Gu. MutScan: Fast detection and visualization of target mutations by scanning FASTQ data. January 2018 BMC Bioinformatics 19(1) DOI:10.1186/s12859-018-2024-6

7. S. Chen, Y. Zhou, J. Gu. fastp: an ultra-fast all-in-one FASTQ preprocessor. September 2018 Bioinformatics 34(17):i884-i890 DOI:10.1093/bioinformatics/bty560

8. S. Chen, M. Liu, J. Gu. GeneFuse: detection and visualization of target gene fusions from DNA sequencing data. May 2018 International Journal of Biological Sciences 14(8):843-848 DOI:10.7150/ijbs.24626

9. W. Qin, J. Wu, J. Gu. Superpixel-based and boundary-sensitive convolutional neural network for automated liver segmentation. April 2018 Physics in Medicine and Biology 63(9) DOI:10.1088/1361-6560/aabd19

10. L. Liu, K. Li, J. Gu. Automated breast tumor detection and segmentation with a novel computational framework of whole ultrasound images. January 2018 Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 56(7) DOI:10.1007/s11517-017-1770-3

11. S. Chen, M. Liu, J. Gu. A Study of Cell-free DNA Fragmentation Pattern and Its Application in DNA Sample Type Classification. July 2017 IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics / IEEE, ACM PP(99):1-1 DOI: 10.1109/TCBB.2017.2723388

12. T. Wen, F. Yang, J. Gu. An Adaptive Kernel Regression Method for 3D Ultrasound Reconstruction Using Speckle Prior and Parallel GPU Implementation. June 2017 Neurocomputing 275(9) DOI:10.1016/j.neucom.2017.06.014

13. T. Wen, L. Li, J. Gu. GPU-accelerated Kernel Regression Reconstruction for Freehand 3D Ultrasound Imaging. March 2017 Ultrasonic Imaging 39(4) DOI:10.1177/0161734616689464

14. S. Chen, T. Huang, J. Gu. AfterQC: Automatic filtering, trimming, error removing and quality control for fastq data. March 2017 BMC Bioinformatics 18(S3) DOI:10.1186/s12859-017-1469-3

15. T. Wen, J. Gu. A novel Bayesian-based nonlocal reconstruction method for freehand 3D ultrasound imaging. November 2015 Neurocomputing 168:104-118 DOI:10.1016 /j.neucom.2015.06.009

16. T. Wen, J. Gu. Nonlocal Total Variation-Based Speckle Filtering for Ultrasound Images. August 2015 Ultrasonic Imaging 38(4) DOI:10.1177/0161734615600676

17. J. Gu, H. Shu, C. Toumoulin. A novel algorithm for fast computation of Zernike moments. Pattern Recognition 35(12):2905-2911 DOI:10.1016/S0031-3203(01)00194-7




2019  国家吴文俊人工智能奖(第一完成人)

2016  广东省特支计划百千万工程奖(第一完成人)

2013  深圳青年科技奖(第一完成人)



2014-至今 IEEE國際電氣電子工程師學會 高級會員