馮霞 教授

馮霞 博士

教授 碩導/博導

學校郵箱: xiafeng@hainanu.edu.cn



2017 安徽大學 計算機應用技術 博士

2009 江蘇大學 計算機學院 碩士

2004 揚州大學 計算機學院 學士



海南大學 網絡空間安全學院 教授






  1. Feng, X., Shi, Q., Xie, Q., & Wang, L. (2021). P2BA: A privacy-preserving protocol with batch authentication against semi-trusted RSUs in vehicular ad hoc networks. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 16, 3888-3899. (CCF 推薦A類期刊)
  2. Feng, X., Liu, H., Yang, H., Xie, Q., & Wang, L. (2024). Batch-Aggregate: Efficient Aggregation for Private Federated Learning in VANETs. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. (CCF 推薦A類期刊)
  3. Feng, X., Cheng, W., Cao, C., Wang, L., & Sheng, V. S. (2024). DPFLA: Defending Private Federated Learning Against Poisoning Attacks. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. (SCI,CCF 推薦A類期刊)
  4. Feng, X., Cui, K., Wang, L., Liu, Z., & Ma, J. (2024). PBAG: A Privacy-Preserving Blockchain-Based Authentication Protocol With Global-Updated Commitment in IoVs. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. (SCI,中科院一區)
  5. Feng, X., Wang, X., Cui, K., Xie, Q., & Wang, L. (2023). A distributed message authentication scheme with reputation mechanism for Internet of Vehicles. Journal of Systems Architecture, 145, 103029. (CCF推薦B類期刊)
  6. Feng, X., Shi, Q., Xie, Q., & Liu, L. (2021). An efficient privacy-preserving authentication model based on blockchain for VANETs. Journal of Systems Architecture, 117, 102158. (CCF推薦B類期刊)
  7. Feng, X., & Wang, L. (2019). PAU: Privacy Assessment method with Uncertainty consideration for cloud-based vehicular networks. Future Generation Computer Systems, 96, 368-375. (SCI一區,IF 7.1).
  8. Feng, X., Shi, Q., Li, X., Liu, H., & Wang, L. (2024). IDPonzi: An interpretable detection model for identifying smart Ponzi schemes. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 136, 108868. (SCI,中科院一區)
  9. Feng, X., Cui, K., Jiang, H., & Wang, L. (2022). A source authentication scheme for road condition monitoring using consortium blockchain. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 72(5), 6428-6444. (SCI, 中科院2區),
  10. Feng, X., Wang, X., Liu, H., Yang, H., & Wang, L. (2024). A Privacy-preserving Aggregation Scheme with Continuous Authentication for Federated Learning in VANETs. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. (SCI, 中科院2區)
  11. Feng, X., Li, C. Y., Chen, D. X., & Tang, J. (2017). A method for defensing against multi-source Sybil attacks in VANET. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 10, 305-314. (SCI, CCF推薦C類期刊)
  12. 馮霞, 崔凱平, 謝晴晴, & 王良民. (2022). VANET 中基於區塊鏈的分散式匿名認證方案. 通信學報, 43(9), 134-147. (CCF 中文T1期刊,卓越期刊)



  1. 國家自然基金面上項目,主持,隱私意識的交通大數據衆包服務結構及關鍵技術研究;
  2. 國家自然基金青年項目,主持/結題,异構車聯網中容忍入侵隱私評估方法研究;
  3. 中國博士後科學基金,主持/結題,車聯網中隱私評估方法研究;
  4. 江蘇省區塊鏈示範項目,主持/結題,惠龍物流交易系統可信管理平臺;
  5. 江蘇省重點研發,第二完成人,基于車聯網的异構網絡安全融合技術研發;


  1. 2020年,江蘇省科技進步二等獎,异構物聯網安全融合關鍵技術及産業化應用
  2. 2017年,中國公路學會一等獎,基于人車路協同的駕駛輔助和信息安全防護關鍵技術研究及應用







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