葛東嬌 博士
助理教授 博導/碩導
09.2015-01.2020 計算機科學 博士, 曼徹斯特大學, 英國
09.2012-06.2015 應用數學 碩士, 四川大學
09.2008-06.2012 數學與應用數學 學士, 四川大學
01.2023 -- 澳門城市大學 數據科學學院 助理教授
07.2021 -- 10.2022 埃塞克斯大學 數學科學學院 講師/助理教授 (Lecturer in Data Science, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Essex, UK)
03.2020 -- 06.2021 牛津大學 工程科學學院 博士後研究助理 (Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, UK)
MA214 Network Analysis (level 5/7) (Module director) at Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Essex, UK
MA332 Database and data processing with SQL (level 5/7) at Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Essex
Journal Papers
Ge, D., & Zeng, X. J. (2022). Functional fuzzy system: A nonlinear regression model and its learning algorithm for function-on-function regression. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 30(4), pp. 956 – 967.
Ge, D., & Zeng, X.J. (2019). A self-evolving fuzzy system which learns dynamic threshold
parameter by itself. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 27(8), pp. 1625 – 1637.
Ge, D., & Zeng, X.J. (2020). Learning data streams online — An evolving fuzzy system approach with self-learning/ adaptive thresholds. Information Sciences, 507, pp.172-184.
Ge, D., & Zeng, X.J. (2018). Learning evolving T–S fuzzy systems with both local and global
accuracy–A local online optimization approach. Applied Soft Computing, 68, pp.795-810.
Hu, M., Ge, D., Telford, R., Stephen, B., & Wallom, D. C. (2021). Classification and characterization of intra-day load curves of PV and non-PV households using interpretable feature extraction and feature-based clustering. Sustainable Cities and Society, 75, p.103380.
Book Chapters
Ge, D.J., & Zeng, X.J. (2017). Modified evolving participatory learning algorithms for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy system modelling from streaming data. In Advances in Computational Intelligence Systems (pp. 145-163). Springer, Cham.
Ge, D., & Zeng, X. J. (2017, July). Learning evolving Mamdani fuzzy systems based on parameter optimization. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Ge, D. & Zeng, X.J., 2019 Sept. Self-Evolving Neuro-Fuzzy System with Applications in High Frequency Trading Predictions. International Conference on Fintech & Financial Data Science. (Oral Presentation)
09.2015 曼徹斯特大學校長博士獎學金 (President's Doctoral Scholar (PDS) Award holder, University of Manchester, UK)
06.2020 2019年度 “國家優秀自費留學生獎學金”, 國家留學基金委 (CSC, China)
04.2022-07.2022: Demand Response to the Rescue: Controlling the Uncertainty of Green Energy Resources, PVC (Research) Strategic Fund, University of Essex, UK, (GBP 7,700), Project PI
2020-至今 IEEE member