吳庚申 博士
助理教授 博導/碩導
英國蘭卡斯特大學 計算機科學 博士
澳門城市大學數據科學學院 助理教授
BIT002 設計計算工作室
BIT009 資訊系統設計與管理
• Liu, Y., Zhou, L., Wu, G., Xu, S., Han, J., 2023. TCGNet: type-correlation guidance for salient object detection. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
• Wu, H., Wu, G.∗, Hu, J., Xu, S., Zhang, S., Liu, Y., 2023. CityUPlaces: a new dataset for efficient vision-based recognition. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing.
• Kong, Y., Zhang, K., Zhang, L., Wu, G., 2023. Deep Facial Attribute Analysis. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17, p.1280831.
• Wu, G., Lin, Z., Ding, Ni, Q. and Han, J. ”On Aggregation of Unsupervised Deep Binary Descriptor with Weak Bits.”IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2020.
• Wu, G., Han, J., Guo, Y., Liu, L., Ding, G., Ni, Q. and Shao, L., 2019. Unsupervised Deep Video Hashing via Balanced Code for Large-Scale Video Retrieval. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 28(4), pp.1993- 2007.
• Wu, G., Han, J., Lin, Z., Ding, G., Zhang, B. and Ni, Q., 2018. Joint Image-Text Hashing for Fast Large-Scale Cross-Media Retrieval Using Self-Supervised Deep Learning. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.
• Wu, G., Lin, Z., Han, J., Liu, L., Ding, G., Zhang, B. and Shen, J., 2018. Unsupervised Deep Hashing via Binary Latent Factor Models for Largescale Cross-modal Retrieval. IJCAI (pp. 2854-2860).
• Wu, G., Liu, L., Guo, Y., Ding, G., Han, J., Shen, J. and Shao, L., 2017, August. Unsupervised deep video hashing with balanced rotation. IJCAI.
• Qi, Y., Gu, J., Zhang, Y., Wu, G., and Wang, F. ”Supervised Deep Semantics-Preserving Hashing for RealTime Pulmonary Nodule Image Retrieval.”in Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, 2020.
• Zhang, S., Wu. G., Gu. J. and Han, J. ”Pruning Filter with Attention Mechanism for Deep Networks Compression on Remote Sensing Image.”in Electronics, 2020.