馬紀新 博士
教授 碩導/博導
1994 計算機科學博士 格林威治大學 英國
1988 數學碩士 鄭州大學 中國
1982 應用數學學士 資訊工程大學 中國
英國格林威治大學計算機科學副教授, 博士生導師
Artificial Intelligence
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Database
Software Engineering
Knowledge Representation and Logic Programming for AI
Formal Methods and Theory of Computing
Computing Programming
Objected Oriented and Artificial Intelligence Programming
Database Management System
Project Management
Mathematics for Computer Science
Modern Algebra
Linear Algebra
Artificial Intelligence
Software Engineering
Information Systems
Special Interests: Temporal Logic, Temporal Databases, Reasoning about Action and Change, Case-Based Reasoning, Data Mining and Pattern Recognition.
Book Chapters
J. Ma: Temporal Representation and Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence. In G. Sidrov (Ed.), Artificial Intelligence. Mexico, Alfaomega Grupo Editor, enero 2018.
G. Zhao and J. MA: The Node-to-node Graph Matching Algorithm Schema. In X. Bai et al (Ed.), Graph-Based Methods in Computer Vision: Developments and Applications, IGI Global, 2012.
B. Knight, J. Ma, T. Peng: A Discrete Formalism for Reasoning about Action and Change. In R. Adey et al (Ed.) Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Computational Mechanics Publications, 1997.
Refereed Journal Articles
X, Zhou, J. Ma, X. Yao and H. Li: A Novel RFID Anti-Counterfeiting Based on Bisectional Multivariate Quadratic Equations, International Journal of Software Innovation (IJSI), 6(2), 9 pages, 2018. DOI: 10.4018/IJSI.2018040101.
X. Zhou, C. Cao, J. Ma and L. Wang: Adaptive Digital Watermarking Scheme Based on Support Vector Machines and Optimized Genetic Algorithm, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol.2018, Article ID 2685739, 9 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/2685739.
J. Sun, B, Zhu, J. Qin, J. Hu and J. Ma: Confidentiality-Preserving Publicly Verifiable Computation Schemes for Polynomial Evaluation and Matrix-Vector Multiplication, Security and Communication Networks, vol. 2018, Article ID 5275132, 15 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/5275132.
B. Zhu, J. Sun, J. Qin and J. Ma: Fuzzy matching: multi-authority attribute searchable encryption without central authority, Soft Computing, DOI 10.1007/s00500-017-2849-3, 26/09/2017.
S. Pandey, J. Ma and C. Lai: Development of a Decision Support System for the diagnosis of Arthritis Pain for Rheumatic Fever Patients: Based on the Fuzzy Approach, Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology, 9(3), 265-290, 2015.
S. Pandey, J. Ma and C. Lai: A Conceptual Framework to Diagnosis of Acute Rheumatic Fever Based on the Temporal and Fuzzy Logic Approach" Canadian International Journal of Science and Technology", V.l2, 397-426, 2015.
I. Chishti, J. Ma and B. Knight: Ontology mapping for Business Process Modeling based on formal Temporal Logic, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 5(7), 95-104, 2014.
S. Pandey, J. Ma and C. Lai: Fuzzy Membership Function and Input / Output Parameter for Diagnosis of Rheumatic Fever, International Transactions on Information Science and Technology, 2(6), 10-15, 2014.
J. Ma: Time IT’s Time, The Magazine for the IT Professional, IT NOW, 12-13, 2013.
Y. Wang, J. Ma and B. Knight: Implementing a Consistency Checker for Uncertain or Incomplete Temporal System, International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology, 6(6), 195-202, 2013
X. Zhou, J. Ma, W. Du, Y. Zhao: Ergodic Matrix and Hybrid-key Based Image Cryptosystem, Int. Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, Vol.3(4), 1-9, 2011.
J. Ma, M. Petridis, B. Knight: Temporal Model For Business Process, Int. Journal of Intelligent Decision Technologies, Vol.5(4), 1-11, 2011.
A. Zheng, J. Ma, X. Zhou, B. Luo: Efficient and Effective State-based Framework for New Video Retrieval, Int. Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, Vol.2(4), 151-161, 2010.
Zheng, J. Ma, M. Petridis, J. Tang, B. Luo: Structure Based Feature Extraction In Basketball Zone-Defence Strategies, Int. Journal of Computer Science & Applications, Vol.7(3), 18 - 32, 2010.
X. Zhou, J. Ma, W. Du, M. Chen: “An Efficient Algorithm to Solve Linear Equations over Finite Field IFq” National Science Journal Of HainaUniversity, V28, No.4, 45-49, 2010.
A. Zheng, J. Ma, M. Petridis, J. Tang, B. Luo: A Robust Approach to Subsequence Matching, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol.253, 39-49, Springer, 2009.
J. Ma, A. Zheng, R. Bie, M. Peridis, S. Zhai, B. Luo : State-sequence based Pattern Recognition in Basketball Zone-defense Strategies, Int. Journal of Electronics and Computer Science, Vol .11(1), 35-44, 2009.
J. Ma: A Framework for State-based Time-Series Analysis and Prediction, Int. Journal of Computer and Information Science, Vol.9(1), 21-28, 2008.
G. Zhao, M. Petridis, G. Sidorov. J. Ma: A Critical Examination of Node-Similarity Based Graph Matching Algorithms, Journal of Research in Computing Science, Vol.40, 73-82, 2008.
J. Ma: Ontological Considerations of Time, Meta-Predicates and Temporal Propositions, Applied Ontology, Vol.2(1), 37-66, 2007.
J. Ma, P. Hayes: Primitive Intervals Vs Point-Based Intervals: Rivals Or Allies, the Computer Journal, Vol.49(1), 32-41, 2006.
J. Ma, B. Knight: Representing The Dividing Instant, the Computer Journal, Vol.46(2), 213-222, 2003.
E. Nissan, Jixin Ma: Identification And Doing Without It, V: “A Formal Mathematical Analyses For A Case Of Mix-Up Of Individuals, And Of Recovery from Failure To Attain Identification, Cybernetics and Systems, Vol.34(6-7), 531-549, 2003.
J. Ma, B. Knight: Reified Temporal Logics: An Overview, Artificial Intelligence Review, Vol.15, 189-217, 2001.
J. Ma, B. Knight, E. Nissan: Temporal Representation of State-Transitions, Artificial Intelligence For Engineering Design, Analysis And Manufacturing, Vol.13(2), 67-78, 1999.
B. Knight, J. Ma, E. Nissan: Representing Temporal Knowledge In Legal Discourse, Law, Computers, and Artificial Intelligence / Information and Communications Technology Law, Vol.7(3), 199-211, 1998.
B. Knight, J. Ma: Temporal Management Using Relative Time in Knowledge-based Process Control, Engineering Applications in Artificial Intelligence, Vol.10(3), 269-280, 1997.
J. Ma, B. Knight: A Reified Temporal Logic, the Computer Journal, Vol.39(9), 800-807, 1996.
J. Ma, B. Knight, M. Ibrahim: A Qualitative Temporal Information System for Process Control, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol.25(2-3), 235-241, 1996.
J. Ma, B. Knight: Reply to Authors' Reply (Building Temporal Constraints into Knowledge Bases for Process Control - An Examination), Engineering Applications in Artificial Intelligence, Vol.9(1), 95-96, 1996.
J. Ma, B. Knight, M. Petridis: A Revised Theory of Action and Time based on Intervals and Points, the Computer Journal, Vol.37(10), 847-857, 1995.
J. Ma, B. Knight: Building Temporal Constraints into Knowledge Bases for Process Control - An Examination, Engineering Applications in Artificial Intelligence, Vol.8(1), 97-99, 1995.
B. Knight, J. Ma: A Temporal Database Model Supporting Relative and Absolute Time, the Computer Journal, Vol.37(7), 588-597, 1994.
B. Knight, J. Ma: Time Representation: A Taxonomy Of Temporal Models, Artificial Intelligence Review, Vol.7, 401-419, 1994.
J. Ma, B. Knight: A General Temporal Theory, the Computer Journal, Vol.37(2), 114-123, 1994.
B. Knight, J. Ma: An Extended Temporal System Based on Points and Intervals, Information System, Vol.18(2), 111-120, 1993.
B. Knight, J. Ma: A General Temporal Model Supporting Duration Reasoning, Artificial Intelligence Communication, Vol.5(2), 75-84, 1992.
J. Huang, J. Ma, B. Stellmacher: Amalgams of Rank 2 in Characteristics 3 Involving L2(5), Acta Mathematics Sinica, Vol.5(3), 193-288, 1989.
2017 The Best Paper of the 15th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications.
2015 The Best Application paper of the 35th SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
2008 The University Research Business Development Prize.
2005 Promising Researcher Fellowship.
Member of the British Computer Society
Member of American Association of Artificial Intelligence
Committee Member of Artificial Intelligence Special Group of the British Computer Society
Committee Member of International Association of Computer and Information Systems