鄭曦 高級講師

鄭曦 博士

高級講師  碩導/博導




博導/教授,現任澳大利亞麥考瑞大學(Macquarie University)軟體工程副主任和外事主任。鄭教授專門從事自動化系統安全和可靠性分析,服務計算和動作識別。在頂尖期刊和會議上發表了60多份高品質的出版物, 其中SCI檢索論文30多篇,EI檢索論文若干。2017年獲得澳大利亞分散式運算和博士學位會議最佳論文,2016年獲得迪肯研究傑出獎。他的一篇關於系統安全的文章在2018年世界知名期刊CCPE裡獲得世界前20影響力獎項。2018年鄭教授的另一篇關於物聯網安全的文章獲得高引。2019年關於感測器混合學習的文章被影響因數22的IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials錄取。鄭教授在多個世界頂級會議和期刊裡擔任期刊編輯和評審會委員,同時也在頂級會議裡擔任大會主席。








refereed journal articles

• Xu, G., Xin, G., Jiao, L., Liu, J., Liu, S., Feng, M. and Zheng, X., 2021. OFEI: A Semi-black-box Android Adversarial Sample Attack Framework Against DLaaS. IEEE Transactions on Computers.

• Lin, X., Wu, J., Li, J., Zheng, X. and Li, G., 2021. Friend-as-Learner: Socially-Driven Trustworthy and Efficient Wireless Federated Edge Learning. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.

• Lu, J., Zheng, X., Tang, L., Zhang, T., Sheng, Q.Z., Wang, C., Jin, J., Yu, S. and Zhou, W., 2021. Can Steering Wheel Detect Your Driving Fatigue. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.

• Deng, Y., Zhang, T., Lou, G., Zheng, X., Jin, J. and Han, Q.L., 2021. Deep Learning-Based Autonomous Driving Systems: A Survey of Attacks and Defenses. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.

• Wang, T., Lu, Y., Wang, J., Dai, H.N., Zheng, X. and Jia, W., 2021. EIHDP: Edge-intelligent hierarchical dynamic pricing based on cloud-edge-client collaboration for IoT systems. IEEE Transactions on Computers.

• Li, Y., Zhou, Y., Jolfaei, A., Yu, D., Xu, G. and Zheng, X., 2020. Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning Framework Based on Chained Secure Multiparty Computing. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(8), pp.6178-6186.

• Zhang, C., Wu, X., Lu, J., Zheng, X., Jolfaei, A., Sheng, Q.Z. and Yu, D., 2021. RICA-MD: a refined ICA algorithm for motion detection. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), 17(1s), pp.1-17.

• Zhang, T., Shen, Z., Jin, J., Zheng, X., Tagami, A. and Cao, X., 2020. Achieving democracy in edge intelligence: A fog-based collaborative learning scheme. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(4), pp.2751-2761.

• Li, L., Li, X., Yang, S., Ding, S., Jolfaei, A. and Zheng, X., 2020. Unsupervised-Learning-Based Continuous Depth and Motion Estimation With Monocular Endoscopy for Virtual Reality Minimally Invasive Surgery. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 17(6), pp.3920-3928.

• Lu, J., Zheng, X., Sheng, M., Jin, J. and Yu, S., 2020. Efficient human activity recognition using a single wearable sensor. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 7(11), pp.11137-11146.

• Zhou, G., Xu, G., Hao, J., Chen, S., Xu, J. and Zheng, X., 2019. Generalized centered 2-D principal component analysis. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.

• Zheng, X., Julien, C., Chen, H., Podorozhny, R. and Cassez, F., 2017. Real-time simulation support for runtime verification of cyber-physical systems. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 16(4), pp.1-24.

• Zheng, X., Julien, C., Kim, M. and Khurshid, S., 2015. Perceptions on the state of the art in verification and validation in cyber-physical systems. IEEE Systems Journal, 11(4), pp.2614-2627.


referred conference proceedings

• Lee, S., Zheng, X., Hua, J., Vikalo, H. and Julien, C., 2021, March. Opportunistic Federated Learning: An Exploration of Egocentric Collaboration for Pervasive Computing Applications. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.

• Deng, Y., Zheng, X., Zhang, T., Chen, C., Lou, G. and Kim, M., 2020, March. An analysis of adversarial attacks and defenses on autonomous driving models. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom) (pp. 1-10). IEEE.

• Li, R., Liu, X., Zheng, X., Zhang, C. and Liu, H., 2020, May. TDD4Fog: A Test-Driven Software Development Platform for Fog Computing Systems. In 2020 20th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGRID) (pp. 673-676). IEEE.

• Fu, M., Guan, J., Zheng, X., Zhou, J., Lu, J., Zhang, T., Zhuo, S., Zhan, L. and Yang, J., 2020, December. ICS-Assist: Intelligent Customer Inquiry Resolution Recommendation in Online Customer Service for Large E-Commerce Businesses. In International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC) (pp. 370-385). Springer, Cham.

• Zhang, T., Shen, Z., Jin, J., Tagami, A., Zheng, X. and Yang, Y., 2019, October. ESDA: An energy-saving data analytics fog service platform. In International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC) (pp. 171-185). Springer, Cham.

• Zheng, X., Julien, C., Podorozhny, R. and Cassez, F., 2015, October. Braceassertion: Runtime verification of cyber-physical systems. In 2015 IEEE 12th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS) (pp. 298-306). IEEE.



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