謝亞君 教授

謝亞君  博士  

教授  碩/博導  




2015 計算數學博士,福建師範大學,中國

2009 基礎數學碩士,福建師範大學,中國

2002 應用數學學士,福建農林大學,中國



福州外語外貿學院 大數據學院 副院長

福州外語外貿學院 數據科學與智能計算重點實驗室主任













Refereed Journal Articles

1. Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, Qingqing Zheng, On the nonlinear matrix equation X^s+A^HF(X)A=Q,AIMS Mathematics,2023, 8(4), 1-17. (SCI)

2. Yajun Xie, Yifen Ke, Finite iterative (R,S)-conjugate solutions of the generalized complex coupled Sylvester-transpose equations, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation,2021,11(1):309–332. (SCI)

3. Yajun Xie, Yifen Ke, Neural network approaches based on new NCP-functions for solving tensor complementarity problem, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing,2021(67):833-853. (SCI)

4. Yajun Xie, Minhua Yin, Changfeng Ma, Novel accelerated methods of tensor splitting iteration for solving multi- systems, AIMS Mathematics, 2020, 5(3): 2801-2812.(SCI)

5. Yajun Xie, Minhua Yin, Limin Ren, Krylov subspace methods of  Hessenberg based for algebraic Riccati equation, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 2020, 10(3):1047-1059(SCI)

6. Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, A modifified SSOR iterative method for a class of block two-by-two linear systems. ScienceAsia , 2019, 45: 187-193. (SCI)

7. Baohua Huang, Yajun Xie*, Changfeng Ma, Krylov subspace methods to solve a class of tensor equations via the Einstein product. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 2019, 26(4): e2254.(SCI)

8. Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, A relaxed two-step splitting iteration method for computing PageRank. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2018, 37:221-233.(SCI)

9. Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, An accelerated gradient based iterative algorithm for solving the generalized Sylvester-transpose matrix equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2016, 273: 1257-1268.(SCI)

10. Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, A modified positive-definite and skew-Hermitian splitting preconditioner for generalized saddle point problems from the Navier-Stokes equation. Numerical Algorithms, 2016, 72:243–258. (SCI)

11. Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, Matrix iterative methods to solve the generalized coupled Sylvester-conjugate linear matrix equations. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015, 39(16): 4895-4908.(SCI)

12. Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, The scaling conjugate gradient iterative method for two types of linear matrix equations. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2015(70):1098-1113.(SCI)

13. Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, A generalized Newton method of high-order convergence for solving the large-scale linear complementarity problem. Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2015, 410: 1025-5834.(SCI)

14. Yajun Xie, Na Huang, Changfeng Ma, Iterative method to solve the generalized coupled Sylvester-transpose linear matrix equations over reflexive or anti-reflexive matrix. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2014, 67: 2071-2084.(SCI)

15. Yajun Xie, Yifen Ke, Changfeng Ma, The modified accelerated Bregman method for regularized basis pursuitproblem. Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2014, 130(1):1-18. (SCI)

16. Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, Iterative method to solve the generalized coupled Sylvester-conjugate linear matrix equations for centrally symmetric (centrally anti-symmetric) matrix. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014, Article ID 5158161-17.(SCI)

17. Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, A smoothing Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm for solving a class of stochastic linear complementarity problem, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2011, 217(19):4459-4472.(SCI)

18. Na Huang, Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, An inexact relaxed DPSS preconditioner for saddle point problem. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015, 265: 431-447.(SCI)

19. Na Huang, Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, The Derivative-Free Double Newton Step Methods for Solving System of Nonlinear Equations, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 2016, 13: 2253-2270.(SCI)

20. Jia Tang, Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, A modified product preconditioner for indefinite and asymmetric generalized saddle-point matrices, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015, 268: 303-310.(SCI)

21. Jia Tang, Yajun Xie*,The generalized conjugate direction method for solving quadratic inverse eigenvalue problems over generalized skew Hamiltonian matrices with a submatrix constraint, AIMS Mathematics, 2020 5(4): 3664–3681.(SCI)

22. Jing Ning, Yajun Xie*, Jie Yao, Efficient splitting methods for solving tensor absolute value equation. Symmetry, 2022, 14(2): 387. (SCI)

23. Baohua Huang, Yajun Xie*, Structure preserving subspace methods for the general coupled discrete-time periodic matrix equation and its application in antilinear periodic system. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2023, 100(2):453–477. (SCI)

24.  Baohua Huang, Changfeng Ma, Yajun Xie, An efficient iterative method for solving quadratic inverse eigenvalue problem over hermitian centroskew matrices with a submatrix constraint. Pacific Journal of Optimization,2022,18(3),601-624. (SCI)

25. Yifen Ke, Changfeng Ma, Zhigang Jia, Yajun Xie, Riwei Liao, Quasi Non-Negative Quaternion Matrix Factorization with Application to Color Face Recognition. Journal of Scientific Computing, 2023, 95:38. https://doi.org/10.1007/s

10915-023-02157-x (SCI)

26. Hai Ye, Yajun Xie, The Composite Grid Method for Singular Problems of Partial Differential Equations, Mathematics 2023, 11(15), 3385. (SCI)

27. 谢亚君,叶福兰,一种正则化非负张量分解算法及其新的有效加速策略,应用数学,2024, 37(1): 100-114.CSCD

28. 谢亚君,张量分裂可行域问题的有效投影迭代,应用数学,2023, 36(2): 454-463.CSCD

29. 谢亚君,求解大型最小二乘问题的混合贪婪随机坐标下降法,计算数学,2023, 45(2):230-239.CSCD

30. 谢亚君马昌凤,源于自由边值离散的弱非线性互补问题的m+1阶收敛性算法,数学物理学报,2022, 42A(5) :1506-1516CSCD

31. 谢亚君,一类基于Halley-Newton型的有效修正算法,数学物理学报,2021, 41A(4): 1066-1078.CSCD

32. 谢亚君,姚洁,马昌凤,求解无约束优化问题的Aitken 加速算法,高校应用数学学报,2021, 36(4): 481-491. (CSCD)

33. 谢亚君,马昌凤,求解Einstein-积张量方程的混合贪婪随机坐标下降法,数值计算与计算机应用,2021, 42(4): 1-14.

34. 谢亚君马昌凤,盒子型区域上变分不等式的一个光滑牛顿法数学季刊,2012(01):156-162. (CSCD)

35. 谢亚君,马昌凤,求解一类随机线性互补问题的L-M算法,福建师范大学学报(自然科学版)2013, 29(3):7. (CSCD)

36. 谢亚君马昌凤,求解非线性规划问题的光滑牛顿法,福建师范大学学报(自然科学版)2011, 27(5):6. (CSCD)

37. 范斌,马昌凤,谢亚君,求解非线性互补问题的一类光滑 Broyden-like 方法,计算数学,2013, 35(2): 181-194.CSCD

38. 黄娜,马昌凤,谢亚君,求解非对称代数 Riccati 方程几个新的预估-矫正法,计算数学,2013, 35(4): 401-418.CSCD

39. 黄娜,马昌凤,谢亚君,一类 Hermitian 鞍点矩阵的特征值估计,计算数学,2015, 37(1): 92-102. CSCD

40. 马昌凤,谢亚君,求解张量绝对值方程的非精确LM方法,河南师范大学学报 (自然科学版)2023, 51(1): 1-7.  (北核)

41. 马昌凤,谢亚君*,求解张量绝对值方程的两步非精确Levenberg-Marquardt算法, 山西大学学报 (自然科学版)2023,46(03): 585-591.  (北核)

42. 马昌凤,谢亚君,求解张量绝对值方程基于连续时间的神经网络方法,高等学校计算数学学报,202345(1) :84-96. CSCD

43. 马昌凤,谢亚君*,利用对称正交逼近求解对称张量的MSOA算法, 应用数学学报,2023,46(5):751-767.CSCD

44. 曾姣艳,林思涛,谢亚君,曾美艳,基于改进型EfficientNet模型的木薯病害识别方法研究.西南大学学报(自然科学版),2024,46(06):197-208.CSCD

45. 马昌凤,柯艺芬,谢亚君*,广义★-Sylvester矩阵方程的重新表述[J/OL]. 山西大学学报(自然科学版)2024. (北核)



  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,12371378,基于随机化非负张量分解与补全的超光谱医学图像处理, 2024/01-2027/12, 43.5万,在研,主持。
  2. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2023J011127,超光谱医学图像处理中随机化非负张量分解算法研究,2023/08-2026/08, 5万,在研,主持。
  3. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2019J01879,基于非负张量分解与填充的图像处理及超光谱数据分析,2019/06-2022/06, 5万元,已结题,主持。
  4. 2017年省教育厅高校“新世纪优秀人才培养计划”,大规模矩阵方程快速迭代算法及并行和预处理技术研究,2017/06-2020/06, 6万元,已结项,主持。
  5. 2017年省教育厅高校学科带头人赴海外访学项目,数值线性代数在图像处理中的应用,2017/03-2018/03, 15万,已结题,主持。
  6. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2015J01578,基于凸优化技术的低秩矩阵恢复与填充的快速算法研究,2015/04-2018/04,3万元,已结题,主持。
  7. 福建省教育厅JK项目,JK2013060,压缩感知及相关算法研究,2013/01-2015/12,3万元,已结题,主持。
  8. 省教育厅高校“杰青”培养计划,基于高性能计算平台的广义Sylvester 矩阵方程快速迭代算法研究,2015/05-2018/05,4万元,已结题,主持。
  9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11071041,随机变分不等式与互补问题的迭代算法研究,2011/01-2013/12,25万元,已结题,主要参与。
  10. 国家林业与草原局重点研发项目,三角梅规范命名及快速识别算法系统研究,2021/12-2023/12, 25万元,已结题,主要参与。



  1. 第十二届福州市自然科学优秀论文一等奖, 2020
  2. 第十三届福建省自然科学优秀论文三等奖, 2018
  3. 第十二届福建省自然科学优秀论文二等奖, 2016
  4. 高等教育省级教学成果奖二等奖,2022



  1. 至今  福建省人工智能学会  常务理事
  2. 至今  福建省运筹学学会  监事长


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