2015 PhD in Computational Mathematics, Fujian Normal University, China
2009 Master of Fundamental Mathematics, Fujian Normal University, China
2002 Bachelor of Applied Mathematics, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China
Current Position
Vice President, Faculty of Big Data, Fuzhou University of International studies and Trade
Director of the Key Laboratory of Data Science and Intelligent Computing at Fuzhou University of International studies and Trade
Subjects taught
Machine learning, Deep learning, Numerical analysis, Data visualization techniques, Operations research, Probability theory and mathematical statistics, Linear algebra, Advanced mathematics
Research direction
Optimization algorithms, Machine learning and image processing, Numerical algebra, Matrix and tensor equations
Research and publication
Refereed Journal Articles
1. Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, Qingqing Zheng, On the nonlinear matrix equation X^s+A^HF(X)A=Q,AIMS Mathematics,2023, 8(4), 1-17. (SCI)
2. Yajun Xie, Yifen Ke, Finite iterative (R,S)-conjugate solutions of the generalized complex coupled Sylvester-transpose equations, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation,2021,11(1):309–332. (SCI)
3. Yajun Xie, Yifen Ke, Neural network approaches based on new NCP-functions for solving tensor complementarity problem, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing,2021(67):833-853. (SCI)
4. Yajun Xie, Minhua Yin, Changfeng Ma, Novel accelerated methods of tensor splitting iteration for solving multi- systems, AIMS Mathematics, 2020, 5(3): 2801-2812.(SCI)
5. Yajun Xie, Minhua Yin, Limin Ren, Krylov subspace methods of Hessenberg based for algebraic Riccati equation, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 2020, 10(3):1047-1059(SCI)
6. Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, A modifified SSOR iterative method for a class of block two-by-two linear systems. ScienceAsia , 2019, 45: 187-193. (SCI)
7. Baohua Huang, Yajun Xie*, Changfeng Ma, Krylov subspace methods to solve a class of tensor equations via the Einstein product. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 2019, 26(4): e2254.(SCI)
8. Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, A relaxed two-step splitting iteration method for computing PageRank. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2018, 37:221-233.(SCI)
9. Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, An accelerated gradient based iterative algorithm for solving the generalized Sylvester-transpose matrix equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2016, 273: 1257-1268.(SCI)
10. Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, A modified positive-definite and skew-Hermitian splitting preconditioner for generalized saddle point problems from the Navier-Stokes equation. Numerical Algorithms, 2016, 72:243–258. (SCI)
11. Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, Matrix iterative methods to solve the generalized coupled Sylvester-conjugate linear matrix equations. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015, 39(16): 4895-4908.(SCI)
12. Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, The scaling conjugate gradient iterative method for two types of linear matrix equations. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2015(70):1098-1113.(SCI)
13. Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, A generalized Newton method of high-order convergence for solving the large-scale linear complementarity problem. Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2015, 410: 1025-5834.(SCI)
14. Yajun Xie, Na Huang, Changfeng Ma, Iterative method to solve the generalized coupled Sylvester-transpose linear matrix equations over reflexive or anti-reflexive matrix. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2014, 67: 2071-2084.(SCI)
15. Yajun Xie, Yifen Ke, Changfeng Ma, The modified accelerated Bregman method for regularized basis pursuitproblem. Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2014, 130(1):1-18. (SCI)
16. Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, Iterative method to solve the generalized coupled Sylvester-conjugate linear matrix equations for centrally symmetric (centrally anti-symmetric) matrix. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014, Article ID 5158161-17.(SCI)
17. Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, A smoothing Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm for solving a class of stochastic linear complementarity problem, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2011, 217(19):4459-4472.(SCI)
18. Na Huang, Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, An inexact relaxed DPSS preconditioner for saddle point problem. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015, 265: 431-447.(SCI)
19. Na Huang, Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, The Derivative-Free Double Newton Step Methods for Solving System of Nonlinear Equations, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 2016, 13: 2253-2270.(SCI)
20. Jia Tang, Yajun Xie, Changfeng Ma, A modified product preconditioner for indefinite and asymmetric generalized saddle-point matrices, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015, 268: 303-310.(SCI)
21. Jia Tang, Yajun Xie*,The generalized conjugate direction method for solving quadratic inverse eigenvalue problems over generalized skew Hamiltonian matrices with a submatrix constraint, AIMS Mathematics, 2020 5(4): 3664–3681.(SCI)
22. Jing Ning, Yajun Xie*, Jie Yao, Efficient splitting methods for solving tensor absolute value equation. Symmetry, 2022, 14(2): 387. (SCI)
23. Baohua Huang, Yajun Xie*, Structure preserving subspace methods for the general coupled discrete-time periodic matrix equation and its application in antilinear periodic system. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2023, 100(2):453–477. (SCI)
24. Baohua Huang, Changfeng Ma, Yajun Xie, An efficient iterative method for solving quadratic inverse eigenvalue problem over hermitian centroskew matrices with a submatrix constraint. Pacific Journal of Optimization,2022,18(3),601-624. (SCI)
25. Yifen Ke, Changfeng Ma, Zhigang Jia, Yajun Xie, Riwei Liao, Quasi Non-Negative Quaternion Matrix Factorization with Application to Color Face Recognition. Journal of Scientific Computing, 2023, 95:38.
10915-023-02157-x (SCI)
26. Hai Ye, Yajun Xie, The Composite Grid Method for Singular Problems of Partial Differential Equations, Mathematics 2023, 11(15), 3385. (SCI)
27. 谢亚君,叶福兰,一种正则化非负张量分解算法及其新的有效加速策略,应用数学,2024, 37(1): 100-114.(CSCD)
28. 谢亚君,张量分裂可行域问题的有效投影迭代,应用数学,2023, 36(2): 454-463.(CSCD)
29. 谢亚君,求解大型最小二乘问题的混合贪婪随机坐标下降法,计算数学,2023, 45(2):230-239.(CSCD)
30. 谢亚君,马昌凤,源于自由边值离散的弱非线性互补问题的m+1阶收敛性算法,数学物理学报,2022, 42A(5) :1506-1516(CSCD)
31. 谢亚君,一类基于Halley-Newton型的有效修正算法,数学物理学报,2021, 41A(4): 1066-1078.(CSCD)
32. 谢亚君,姚洁,马昌凤,求解无约束优化问题的Aitken 加速算法,高校应用数学学报,2021, 36(4): 481-491. (CSCD)
33. 谢亚君,马昌凤,求解Einstein-积张量方程的混合贪婪随机坐标下降法,数值计算与计算机应用,2021, 42(4): 1-14.
34. 谢亚君,马昌凤,盒子型区域上变分不等式的一个光滑牛顿法,数学季刊,2012(01):156-162. (CSCD)
35. 谢亚君,马昌凤,求解一类随机线性互补问题的L-M算法,福建师范大学学报(自然科学版),2013, 29(3):7. (CSCD)
36. 谢亚君,马昌凤,求解非线性规划问题的光滑牛顿法,福建师范大学学报(自然科学版),2011, 27(5):6. (CSCD)
37. 范斌,马昌凤,谢亚君,求解非线性互补问题的一类光滑 Broyden-like 方法,计算数学,2013, 35(2): 181-194.(CSCD)
38. 黄娜,马昌凤,谢亚君,求解非对称代数 Riccati 方程几个新的预估-矫正法,计算数学,2013, 35(4): 401-418.(CSCD)
39. 黄娜,马昌凤,谢亚君,一类 Hermitian 鞍点矩阵的特征值估计,计算数学,2015, 37(1): 92-102. (CSCD)
40. 马昌凤,谢亚君,求解张量绝对值方程的非精确LM方法,河南师范大学学报 (自然科学版),2023, 51(1): 1-7. (北核)
41. 马昌凤,谢亚君*,求解张量绝对值方程的两步非精确Levenberg-Marquardt算法, 山西大学学报 (自然科学版),2023,46(03): 585-591. (北核)
42. 马昌凤,谢亚君,求解张量绝对值方程基于连续时间的神经网络方法,高等学校计算数学学报,2023,45(1) :84-96. (CSCD)
43. 马昌凤,谢亚君*,利用对称正交逼近求解对称张量的MSOA算法, 应用数学学报,2023,46(5):751-767.(CSCD)
44. 曾姣艳,林思涛,谢亚君,曾美艳,基于改进型EfficientNet模型的木薯病害识别方法研究.西南大学学报(自然科学版),2024,46(06):197-208.(CSCD)
45. 马昌凤,柯艺芬,谢亚君*,广义★-Sylvester矩阵方程的重新表述[J/OL]. 山西大学学报(自然科学版)2024. (北核)
Research projects
National Natural Science Foundation of China General Project, 12371378, Hyperspectral medical image processing based on randomized nonnegative tensor decomposition and completion, 2024/01-2027/12, 435,000, in progress, lead.
General Program of Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province, 2023J011127, Research on the Randomized Nonnegative Tensor Decomposition Algorithm in Hyperspectral Medical Image Processing, 2023/08-2026/08, 50,000, in progress, lead.
General Project of Fujian Provincial Natural Science Foundation, 2019J01879, Image processing and hyperspectral data analysis based on non-negative tensor decomposition and filling, 2019/06-2022/06, 50,000 yuan, completed, presided over.
2017 Provincial Department of Education University “New Century Excellent Talent Training Program”, Research on Fast Iteration Algorithms and Parallel and Preprocessing Techniques for Large-Scale Matrix Equations, 2017/06-2020/06, 60,000 yuan, completed, presided over.
2017 Provincial Department of Education University Discipline Leader Overseas Visiting Program, Application of Numerical Linear Algebra in Image Processing, 2017/03-2018/03, 150,000, completed, presided over.
General project of Fujian Provincial Natural Science Foundation, 2015J01578, Research on fast algorithms for low-rank matrix recovery and filling based on convex optimization technology, 2015/04-2018/04, 30,000 yuan, completed, presided over.
JK Project of Fujian Provincial Department of Education, JK2013060, Research on Compressive Sensing and Related Algorithms, 2013/01-2015/12, 30,000 yuan, completed, presided over.
Provincial Department of Education University “Jieqing” Training Program, Research on Fast Iterative Algorithms for Generalized Sylvester Matrix Equations Based on High-Performance Computing Platforms, 2015/05-2018/05, 40,000 yuan, completed, presided over.
General Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 11071041, Research on Iterative Algorithms for Stochastic Variational Inequalities and Complementarity Problems, 2011/01-2013/12, 250,000 yuan, completed, mainly participated.
Key R&D Project of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Research on the Standardized Naming and Rapid Identification Algorithm System of Bougainvillea, 2021/12-2023/12, 250,000 yuan, completed, major participation.
Academic Awards
First Prize of the 12th Fuzhou Natural Science Outstanding Paper Award, 2020
Third Prize of the 13th Fujian Natural Science Outstanding Paper Award, 2018
Second Prize of the 12th Fujian Natural Science Outstanding Paper Award, 2016
Second Prize of Provincial Teaching Achievement Award in Higher Education, 2022
Professional Affiliations
To present: Executive Director, Fujian Artificial Intelligence Society
To present: Chief Supervisor, Fujian Operations Research Society