Scientific Research


[1] Joint Funding Scheme for NSFC-FDCT Project: Privacy-Preserved Cross-border Data Collaborative Management for Credit Investigation,2022 

[2] Zhuhai Industry-University-Research Cooperation Project: Research on key technologies for cross-border data compliance and mutual trust computing in Zhuhai and Macau,2021 

[3] National Key Research and Development Program of China: Research and application of cooperative multi-agent platform for Zhuhai-Macao manufacturing service,2020-2023 

[4] Funds for International Cooperation and Exchange of the National Natural Science Foundation of China: Probabilistic circle theory research on cognitive multi-source data,2019-2022 

[5] Macau Foundation Project: Fine-grained sentiment analysis of text based on machine learning, 2020-2021 

[6] Macau Foundation Project: Underwater image enhancement and reconstruction,2020-2021 

[7] National Key Research and Development Program of China: Research on Highly Reliable Key Technologies for Spatial and Temporal Data and Their Applications,2018-2021 

[8] Macau Foundation Project: Research and Development of Wearable Healthcare System Based on Intelligent Response Sensing,2019-2020 

[9] Macau Foundation Project: Establishment of a spatial database for urban transport in Macao and its three-dimensional presentation,2017-2018 

[10] Macau Foundation Project: Real-time Monitoring and Imbalance Analysis of Intelligent Transport in Macao,2017-2018 

[11] Macau Foundation Project: Research and Application Demonstration of Macao Tourism E-Commerce Service Technology,2016-2017 

[12] Macau Foundation Project: Macao Urban Governance Big Data System Phase I Construction Project,2016-2017 

The first four items are ongoing projects 


Journals (thesis status in the last 2 years (more than 30 articles published in core academic journals at national and abroad and accepted by SCI/EI)). 

  1. Energy-Aware Collaborative Service Caching in a 5G-Enabled MEC With Uncertain Payoffs,  Zichuan Xu , Member, IEEE, Lizhen Zhou , Student Member, IEEE, Haipeng Dai , Member, IEEE, Weifa Liang , Senior Member, IEEE, Wanlei Zhou, Senior Member, IEEE, Pan Zhou , Member, IEEE,Wenzheng Xu , Member, IEEE, and Guowei Wu, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 70, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2022 
  2. L Zhang, T Zhu, P Xiong, W Zhou, P Yu, A Robust Game-theoretical Federated Learning Framework with Joint Differential Privacy, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2022 
  3. Z Cheng, D Ye, T Zhu, W Zhou, PS Yu, C Zhu, Multi? Agent reinforcement learning via knowledge transfer with differentially private noise, International Journal of Intelligent Systems 37 (1), 799-828, 2022 
  4. X Hu, T Zhu, X Zhai, W Zhou, W Zhao, Privacy Data Propagation and Preservation in Social Media: a Real-world Case Study, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2021 
  5. SJ Horng, DT Vu, TV Nguyen, W Zhou, CT Lin, Recognizing Palm Vein in Smartphones Using RGB Images, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021 
  6. T Zhang, T Zhu, K Gao, W Zhou, SY Philip, Balancing Learning Model Privacy, Fairness, and Accuracy With Early Stopping Criteria, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2021 
  7. J Li, W Liang, Z Xu, X Jia, W Zhou, Service Provisioning for Multi-source IoT Applications in Mobile Edge Computing, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 18 (2), 1-25, 2021 
  8. J Li, W Liang, W Xu, Z Xu, X Jia, W Zhou, J Zhao, Maximizing User Service Satisfaction for Delay-Sensitive IoT Applications in Edge Computing, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 33 (5), 1199-1212, 2021 
  9. Y Zhao, B Liu, T Zhu, M Ding, W Zhou, Private? Encoder: Enforcing privacy in latent space for human face images, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, e6548, 2021 
  10. L Zhang, T Zhu, P Xiong, W Zhou, PS Yu, More than Privacy: Adopting Differential Privacy in Game-theoretic Mechanism Design, ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 54 (7), 1-37, 2021 
  11. J Zhao, T Zong, Y Xiang, L Gao, W Zhou, G Beliakov, Desynchronization Attacks Resilient Watermarking Method Based on Frequency Singular Value Coefficient Modification, 
  12. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 29, 2282-2295, 2021 
  13. T Zong, J Zhao, Y Xiang, I Natgunanathan, L Gao, W Zhou, Desynchronization-attack-resilient audio watermarking mechanism for stereo signals using the linear correlation between channels, World Wide Web, 1-23, 2021 
  14. Z Xu, H Ren, W Liang, Q Xia, W Zhou, G Wu, P Zhou, Near optimal and dynamic mechanisms towards a stable NFV market in multi-tier cloud networks, IEEE INFOCOM 2021-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 1-10, 2021 
  15. J Lu, X Zheng, L Tang, T Zhang, QZ Sheng, C Wang, J Jin, S Yu, W Zhou, Can Steering Wheel Detect Your Driving Fatigue, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 
  16. K Huang, Y Mu, F Rezaeibagha, X Zhang, Design and Analysis of Cryptographic Algorithms in Blockchain, CRC Press, 2021 (Book) 
  17. M Yuan, Y Mu, F Rezaeibagha, L Xu, X Huang, Controllable software licensing system for sub-licensing, Journal of Information Security and Applications 64, 103061 
  18. L Zhang, T Zhang, Q Wu, Y Mu, F Rezaeibagha, Secure decentralized attribute-based sharing of personal health records with blockchain, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021 
  19. K Huang, Y Mu, F Rezaeibagha, X Zhang, T Chen, Building blockchains with secure and practical Public-Key cryptographic algorithms: Background, motivations and example, IEEE Network, 2021 
  20. K Huang, Y Mu, F Rezaeibagha, Z He, X Zhang, BA2P: Bidirectional and anonymous auction protocol with dispute-freeness, Security and Communication Networks, 2021 
  21. Y Zhou, B Yang, Z Xia, M Zhang, Y Mu, Novel generic construction of leakage-resilient PKE scheme with CCA security, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 89 (7), 1575-1614 
  22. F Rezaeibagha, Y Mu, K Huang, L Chen, L Zhang, Toward Secure Data Computation and Outsource for Multi-User Cloud-Based IoT, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 
  23. F Rezaeibagha, Y Mu, K Huang, L Zhang, X Huang, Secure and Privacy-Preserved data collection for IoT wireless sensors, IEEE Internet of Things Journal,  2021 
  24. L Zhang, W You, Y Mu, Secure Outsourced Attribute-based Sharing Framework for Lightweight Devices in Smart Health Systems, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2021 
  25. L Zhang, J Wang, Y Mu, Privacy-preserving Flexible Access Control for Encrypted Data in Internet of Things, IEEE Internet of Things, 2021 
  26. X Li, T Xiang, S Guo, H Li, Y Mu, Privacy-Preserving Reverse Nearest Neighbor Query over Encrypted Spatial Data, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2021 
  27. Z. Ying, S. Cao, X. Liu, Z. Ma, J. Ma, R. Deng, "PrivacySignal: Privacy-preserving Traffic Signal Control for Intelligent Transportation System,"[J]. in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022. 
  28. J. Zhang, T. Li, Z. Ying, J. Ma. "Trust-Based Secure Multi-Cloud Collaboration Framework in Cloud-Fog-Assisted IoT,"[J]. in IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2022. 
  29. L. Xing and W. Liu, (2021). "A Data Fusion Powered Bi-Directional Long Short Term Memory Model for Predicting Multi-Lane Short Term Traffic Flow," in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2021.3095095. 
  30. Z. Ying, W. Jiang, X. Liu, S. Xu and R. Deng, "Reliable Policy Updating under Efficient Policy Hidden Fine-grained Access Control Framework for Cloud Data Sharing,"[J]. in IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, to be published, doi:10.1109/TSC.2021.3096177. 
  31. Z. Ying, M. Ma, Z. Zhao, X. Liu and J. Ma, "A Reputation-based Leader Election Scheme for Opportunistic Autonomous Vehicle Platoon,"[J]. in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, to be published, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2021.3106297. 
  32. Zhao Z, Ying Z, Cai Z, et al. Combinatorial Spectrum E-Auction for 5G Heterogeneous Networks: A Zether-Based Approach[J]. Security and Communication Networks, 2021 
  33. Shen S, Yang Y, Ying Z, et al. Towards Efficient Fine-Grained Access Control and Data Privacy Protection for Smart Home[C]. International Conference on Mobile Multimedia Communications. Springer, Cham, 2021: 501-515. (EI) 
  34. Cui J, Ouyang F, Ying Z, et al. Secure and Efficient Data Sharing Among Vehicles Based on Consortium Blockchain[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021 
  35. Ma J, Li T, Cui J, Ying Z, et al. Attribute-Based Secure Announcement Sharing among Vehicles Using Blockchain[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021 
  36. Ying Z, Cao S, Xu S, et al. Privacy-Preserving Optimal Insulin Dosing Decision[C]. ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE, 2021: 2640-2644. 
  37. Ying Z, Si Y, Ma J, et al. P2HBT: Partially Policy Hidden E-Healthcare System with Black-Box Traceability[J]. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 30(2): 219-231.