劉西蒙 教授

劉西蒙 博士

教授 碩導/博導

✉ 郵箱 snbnix@gmail.com / x@fzu.edu.cn






2014.11-2018.09,新加坡管理大學移動安全中心,Research Fellow。
2013.09-2014.09,新加坡南洋理工大學電子電器工程學院,Research Assistant。










1、福建省“雛鷹計劃”青年拔尖人才榮譽稱號 (2021)
2、福建省“百千萬人才工程”省級人選 (2021)
4、ACM SIGSAC China 新星獎 (2018)
5、FCS 2019 國際會議最佳論文獎 (Best Paper Award)
6、EAI MOBIMEDIA 2021 最佳學生論文 (Best Student Paper Award)




2、副主編(Associate Editor), Telecommunication Systems (SCI 國際期刊,IF = 2.314)
3、副主編(Associate Editor), Current Chinese Computer Science (國際期刊)
4、Editorial Board Member, Scientific Reports (SCI 國際期刊,IF = 4.379)
5、Editorial Board Member, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (SCI 國際期刊,IF = 0.858)




(節選部分成果,詳細成果請見: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=hWyGZU4AAAAJ&hl=en)
1. Lin Song, Yinbin Miao, Jian Weng, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Ximeng Liu, Robert H Deng. Privacy-Preserving Threshold-Based Image Retrieval in Cloud-Assisted Internet of Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IEEE IoT-J), 2022. publish online. 
2. Yinbin Miao, Wei Zheng, Xiaohua Jia, Ximeng Liu, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Robert H Deng. Ranked Keyword Search over Encrypted Cloud Data Through Machine Learning Method. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (IEEE TSC), 2022. publish online. 
3. Jiawei Zhang, Yanbo Yang, Ximeng Liu, Jianfeng Ma. An efficient blockchain-based hierarchical data sharing for Healthcare Internet of Things. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IEEE TII), 2022. publish online. 
4. Yang Liu, Zhuo Ma, Yilong Yang, Ximeng Liu, Jianfeng Ma, Kui Ren. Revfrf: Enabling cross-domain random forest training with revocable federated learning. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC), 2021. publish online. 
5. Ximeng Liu*, Robert H. Deng, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Jian Weng: An Efficient Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Calculation Toolkits with Multiple Keys, IEEE Transactions on Transactions on Information Forensics 
and Security (IEEE TIFS), vol.11, no.11, pp. 2401-2414, 2016. DOI:10.1109/TIFS.2016.2573770.[CCF Rank A, SCI] 
6. Ximeng Liu*, Robert H. Deng, Wenxiu Ding, Rongxing Lu, Baodong Qin: Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Calculation on Floating Point Numbers, IEEE Transactions on Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 
(IEEE TIFS), vol.11, no.11, pp.2513-2527, 2016. DOI:10.1109/TIFS.2016.258512.1 
7. Ximeng Liu, Robert H. Deng, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Yang Yang*, HweeHwa Pang: Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Calculation Toolkit in the Cloud, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC), 2018. Online. [CCF Rank A, SCI] 
8. Ximeng Liu*, Baodong Qin, Robert H. Deng, Rongxing Lu Jiangfeng Ma. A Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Functional Computation Framework Across Large-Scale Multiple Encrypted Domains. IEEE Transactions on Computers. (IEEE TC), vol.65, no.12, pp. 3567 – 3579, 2016. DOI: 10.1109/TC.2016.2543220. [CCF Rank A, SCI] 
9. Ximeng Liu*, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Robert H. Deng, Rongxing Lu, Jian Weng: Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Computation of Rational Numbers, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure 
Computing (IEEE TDSC).[CCF Rank A, SCI] 
10. Ximeng Liu, Baodong Qin, Robert H. Deng, Yingjiu Li: An Efficient Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Computation 
over Public Data, IEEE Transactions on Service Computing (IEEE TSC). [accepted, SCI Index, IF=3.049] 
11. Ximeng Liu, Robert H. Deng, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Yang Yang*: Privacy-preserving Outsourced Support Vector Machine Design for Secure Drug Discovery. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (IEEE TCC), publish online, 2018. 
12. Ximeng Liu, Rongxing Lu, Jianfeng Ma, Le Chen, Baodong Qin: Privacy-Preserving Patient-Centric Clinical Decision Support System on Naive Bayesian Classification, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (IEEE J-BHI). 2016. [SCI Index]