Dr. Chung-Lun Wei
Assistant Professor Master Supervisor
Tel:(853)8590 2264
Office address: Room T406, Tai Fung Building, City University of Macau (Taipa)
Educational qualifications
Doctor of Philosophy, Graduate Institute of Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
Master of Information Management, Daye University, Taiwan
Bachelor of Information Management, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Data Science, City University of Macau
Courses taught
Information Systems Analysis and Design
Customer relationship management
Project management
Research direction
Information system outsourcing
Information technology applications
Technology and user behavior
Research and publishing
Journal Papers
Wang, Y.-M., Wei, C.-L., Chen, W.-J., & Wang, Y.-S.* (2023). Revisiting the E-Learning Systems Success Model in the Post-COVID -19 Age: The Role of Monitoring Quality, International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction. (IF=4.7, Rank=7/24) https://doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2023.2231278
Wang, Y.-M., Wei, C.-L., Lin, H.-H., Wang, S.-C., & Wang, Y.-S.* (2022). What drives students' AI learning behavior: A perspective of AI anxiety. Interactive Learning Environments. (IF=5.4, Rank=20/269) https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2022.2153147
Wei, C.-L., Wang, Y.-M., Lin, H.-H., Wang, Y.-S*., & Huang, J.-L. (2022). Developing and validating a business simulation systems success model in the context of management education. International Journal of Management Education, 20(2), Article 100634. (IF=5.2, Rank=21/269). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijme .2022.100634
Wang, Y.-M., Wei, C.-L.*, & Wang, M.-W. (2022). Factors influencing students' adoption intention of brain-computer interfaces in a game-learning context. Library Hi Tech , Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (IF=3.4, Rank=36/84). https://doi.org/10.1108/LHT-12-2021-0506
Wei, C.-L.* (2022). How relationship quality, service quality, and value affect the intention to purchase IT/IS outsourcing services. Information Systems Management, 39(3), 202-219. (IF=6.2, Rank=32/158). https://doi.org/10.1080/10580530.2021.1883776
Wang, C.-Y.*, Wu, L.-W., & Wei, C.-L. (2021). Optimal customer participation and the role of relationship length. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 39(5), 871-885. (IF=5.3, Rank=69/154).
Wei, C.-L.*, Lin, M.-R., Liao, K.-Y., Huang, P.-X., Wang, C., & Lin, L.-Q. (2020). The effect of an online live streaming quiz on the continuous use of mobile e-commerce platforms: An expectation confirmation model perspective. International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management, 12(4), 291-308.
Wei, C.-L.*, & Ho, C.-T. (2019). Exploring signaling roles of service providers' reputation and competence in influencing perceptions of service quality and outsourcing intentions. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 31 (1), 86-109. (IF=6.5, Rank= 28/158).
Ho, C.-T., & Wei, C.-L.* (2016). Effects of outsourced service providers' experiences on perceived service quality: A signaling theory framework. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 116(8), 1656 -1677. (IF=5.5, Rank= 29/110).
Ho, C.-T., Wei, C.-L.*, & Lin, K.-T. (2015). An empirical investigation on customer dissatisfaction toward using mobile applications. International Journal of Database Theory and Application, 8(4), 123-134.
Conference Papers
Tai, W.-C*., Wei, C.-L., Wang, Y.-M., Wang, Y.-S., Yang, J.-H., Chen, K.-L., & Huang, C.-W. (2023). What Drives Users' Removal Behavior of Mobile Apps: An Integrated Model. ICITL 2023, the International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, 28-30 Aug. 2023, Porto, Portugal.
Wang, Y.-M.*, Wang, M.-W., & Wei, C.-L. (2022). An exploratory analysis of factors associated with university students' acceptance of brain-computer interfaces. ICITL 2022, the International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, 29-31 Aug. 2022, Porto, Portugal.
Wei, C.-L.*, Chang, Y.-C., Wang, W.-X., Chou, H.-M., & Chen, K.-J. (2019). Factors that Influence Sharing Behaviors in Sharing Economy Based on the Theory of Social Capital and Social Exchange: Example of Taiwan-Based USPACE. IEEE 2019 International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management (IEEM 2019), 15-18 Dec. 2019, Macau. (Presented)
Wei, C.-L.*, Lin, W.-C., Wen, H.-Y., Yang, Y.-C., & Yu, C.-F. (2019). Exploring the Intention to Use the Mobile Banking Apps: An Integrated Framework of TAM, IS Success, and Perceived Risk Models. The 20th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (APIEMS 2019), 02-05 Dec. 2019, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan.
Ho, C.-T., Wei, C.-L.*, & Chou, Y.-H.D. (2016). The Impact of Perceived Value and Price Discount on Satisfaction and Purchase Intention in Group Buying: Perspective of Social Exchange Theory. 2016 4th International Symposium on Education, Psychology and Social Sciences (ISEPSS), 10-12 May 2016, Osaka, Japan.
Wei, C.-L.*, & Ho, C.-T. (2016). Impacts of Interpersonal Relationship Quality on Services Selling in a Business-to-Business Context. Bangkok 16th International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Science & Humanities- BESSH-2016, 04-05 April 2016, Bangkok, Thailand.
*Corresponding author