Dr. Lanxiang Chen
Professor, Master Supervisor/Doctoral Supervisor
University email: lxiangchen@fjnu.edu.cn
Personal Profile
Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, College of Computer and Cyberspace Security, Fujian Normal University, Fujian Provincial Key Lab of Network Security and Cryptography.
Research Direction
Efficient data retrieval, Cloud big data analysis, Data privacy protection, Cloud computing and cloud storage security theory and practice
Educational Experience
2005/07-2009/12 Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Computer Science, Ph.D. in Computer System Architecture
2003/09-2005/07 Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Computer Science, Master's in Computer System Architecture
1999/09-2003/07 Chengdu University of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology
Work Experience
2010/01-present Fujian Normal University, SchoolCollege of Computer and Cyberspace Security
Reviewer for
journals IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, IEEE Internet of Things Journal,IEEE Transactions on Reliability, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, Future Generation Computer Systems, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Journal of Networkand Computer Applications, World Wide Web Journal, IEEE Access, Soft Computing, Computers& Security, Computers & Electrical Engineering, Security and Communication Networks, Journalof Computer and System Sciences, Multimedia Systems, The Journal of Supercomputing, Computer Science Journal, Computer Research and Development, etc.
1. 陳磊磊,陳蘭香,穆怡. 醫療輔助診斷系統中新型的雙向隱私保護方法. 密碼學報, 8(1): 167-182, 2021.
2. 符慶曉, 陳蘭香, 李繼國, 姚志強. 一種高效的基於分治鄰接表的動態完整性審計方案[J].密碼學報, 8(4): 601-615, 2021.
3. 薛玉潔, 陳蘭香, 穆怡. 基於BTM 主題模型的對稱可搜索加密方案. 密碼學報, 錄用, 2021.
4. Fatemeh Rezaeibagha, Yi Mu, Ke Huang, Lanxiang Chen. Secure and Efficient Data Aggregationfor IoT Monitoring Systems. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(10): 8056-8063, 2021.
5. Fatemeh Rezaeibagha, Yi Mu, Ke Huang, Lanxiang Chen, Leyou Zhang. Toward Secure DataComputation and Outsource for Multi-User Cloud-Based IoT. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, DOI: 10.1109/TCC.2021.3087614. 2021.
6. Wai-Kong Lee, Lanxiang Chen, Chin-Chen Chang, Zhiqiang Yao. Post-quantum Blockchain forSecure Communication in IoT based Smart Home Services. International Journal of Embedded Systems, Online, 2021.
7. Lanxiang Chen, Nan Zhang, Hung-Min Sun, Chin-Chen Chang, Shui Yu, Kim-Kwang RaymondChoo. Secure search for encrypted personal health records from big data NoSQL databases in cloud. Computing, 102(6): 1521-1545, 2020.
8. Lanxiang Chen, Wutong Bai, Zhiqiang Yao. A Secure and Privacy-Preserving Watermark based Medical Image Sharing Method. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 29(5): 819-825, Sept. 2020.
9. Mengjie Lv, Shuming Zhou, Gaolin Chen, Lanxiang Chen, Jiafei Liu, Chin-Chen Chang: On Reliability of Multiprocessor System Based on Star Graph. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 69(2): 715-724, 2020.
10. Lanxiang Chen, Wai-Kong Lee, Chin-Chen Chang, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Nan Zhang. Blockchain based Searchable Encryption for Electronic Health Record Sharing. Future Generation Computer Systems, 95 (2019): 420-429, 2019.
11. Lanxiang Chen, Zhenchao Chen. Practical, Dynamic and Efficient Integrity Verification for Symmetric Searchable Encryption. The 18th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS 2019), pp 163-183, Fuzhou, China, 25-27 October 2019.
12. Lanxiang Chen, Zhenchao Chen, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Chin-Chen Chang, Hung-Min Sun. Memory Leakage-Resilient Dynamic and Verifiable Multi-Keyword Ranked Search on Encrypted Smart Body Sensor Network Data. IEEE Sensors Journal, 19(19): 8468-8478, 2019.
13. Zehui Shao, Pu Wu, Enqiang Zhu, Lanxiang Chen. On Metric Dimension in Some Hex Derived Networks. Sensors, 19(1): 94, 2019.
14. Huidan Hu, Changlu Lin, Chin-Chen Chang, Lanxiang Chen. An enhanced secure data backup scheme using multi-factor authentication. IET Information Security, 13(6): 649-658, 2019.
15. Zehui Shao, Zepeng Li, Pu Wu, Lanxiang Chen and Xiaosong Zhang. Multi-Factor Combination Authentication using Fuzzy Graph Domination Model. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 37(4): 4979-4985, 2019.
16. Lanxiang Chen, Nan Zhang, Kuan-Ching Li, Shuibing He, Linbing Qiu. Improving File Locality in Multi-Keyword Top-k Search Based on Clustering. Soft Computing, 22(9): 3111-3121, 2018.
17. 陳蘭香, 陳振朝. 一種基於相似搜索平衡二叉樹的多關鍵字排序密文檢索方案. 密碼學報, 5(3): 271–285, 2018.
18. Lanxiang Chen. A Framework to Enhance Security of Physically Unclonable Functions Using Chaotic Circuits. Physics Letters A, 382(18): 1195-1201, 2018.
19. Lanxiang Chen, Linbing Qiu, Kuan-Ching Li, Shuming Zhou. A Secure Multi-keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data against Memory Leakage Attack. Journal of Internet Technology, 19(1): 167-176, 2018.
20. Wai-Kong Lee, Raphael C.-W. Phan, Bok-Min Goi, Lanxiang Chen, Xiujun Zhang, Naixue Xiong. Parallel and High Speed Hashing in GPU for Telemedicine Applications. IEEE Access, Volume 6, pp. 37991-38002, 2018.
21. Zehui Shao, Pu Wu, Enqiang Zhu, Lanxiang Chen. Metric Dimension and Robot Navigation in Specific Sensor Networks. The 10th International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC 2018), pp. 369-373, 2018.
22. Yongsheng Rao, Pu Wu, Zehui Shao, Ramy Shaheen, S.M. Sheikholeslami, Lanxiang Chen. The Rainbow Restrained Domination in Torus Network. The 10th International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC 2018), pp. 393-400, 2018.
23. Lanxiang Chen, Linbing Qiu, Kuan-Ching Li, Wenbo Shi, Nan Zhang. DMRS: An Efficient Dynamic Multi-keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data. Soft Computing, 21(16): 4829–4841, 2017.
24. 張楠, 陳蘭香. 一種高效的支援排序的關鍵字可搜索加密系統研究. 資訊網路安全, 2017(2): 43-50, 2017.
25. 陳蘭香,周書明.雲存儲中基於二進位向量索引的密文雲資料排序查詢方法.電腦應用與軟體,34(3):7-12, 2017.
26. 陳蘭香, 邱林冰. 基於Merkle 雜湊樹的可驗證密文檢索方案. 資訊網路安全, 2017(4): 1-8, 2017.
27. Shuming Zhou, Sulin Song, Xiaoxue Yang, Lanxiang Chen. On Conditional Fault Tolerance and Diagnosability of Hierarchical Cubic Networks. Theoretical Computer Science. 609(2016): 421-433, 2016.
28. Lanxiang Chen, Nan Zhang. Efficient Verifiable Multi-user Searchable Symmetric Encryption for Encrypted Data in the Cloud. The First EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in New Computing Environments (SPNCE 2016), LNICST, volume 197, 2016.
29. Yong Yu, Yafang Zhang, Jianbing Ni, Man Ho Au, Lanxiang Chen, Yongyu Liu. Remote Data Possession Checking with Enhanced Security for Cloud Storage. Future Generation Computer Systems, 52: 77-85, 2015.
30. Lanxiang Chen, Gongde Guo and Zhen Peng. A hill cipher-based remote data possession checking in cloud storage. Security and Communication Networks, 7(3): 511–518, 2014.
31. 彭真,陳蘭香,郭躬德,雲存儲中基於噴泉碼的資料恢復系統. 電腦應用, 34(4): 986-993, 2014.
32. Yong Yu, Jianbing Ni, Jian Ren, Wei Wu, Lanxiang Chen, and Qi Xia. Improvement of a remote data possession checking protocol from algebraic signatures. The 10th International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (ISPEC 2014), pp. 359-372, 2014.
33. Lanxiang Chen, Shuming Zhou, Xinyi Huang, Li Xu. Data Dynamics for Remote Data Possession Checking in Cloud Storage. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 39(7): 2413-2424, 2013.
34. Lanxiang Chen. Using Algebraic Signatures to Check Data Possession in Cloud Storage. Future Generation Computer Systems, 29 (7): 1709-1715, 2013.
35. 陳蘭香,許力. 雲存儲服務中可證明資料持有及恢復技術研究. 電腦研究與發展, 49(Suppl.): 19-25, 2012.
36. Shuming Zhou, Lanxiang Chen, Jun-Ming Xu, Conditional fault diagnosability of dual-cubes, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 23 (8): 1729-1747, 2012.
37. 彭真,陳蘭香,郭躬德. 基於噴泉碼的隱私保護和資料恢復方法. 華中科技大學學報(自然科學版), 40(355): 54-57,2012.
38. 曹夕,許力,陳蘭香. 一種雲存儲系統中資料完整性驗證協定. 電腦應用, 32(1): 8-12,2012.
39. Lanxiang Chen, Zhen Peng. The Design Principles for User-centered Remote Data Possession Checking. The 8th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS 2012), pp. 615- 618, 2012.
40. 陳蘭香.一種基於同態Hash 的資料持有性證明方法. 電子與資訊學報, 33(9): 2199-2204, 2011.
41. 陳蘭香,一種基於會話的安全Web 檔服務模型. 電腦工程, 37 (18): 127-130, 2011.
42. Lanxiang Chen, Shuming Zhou. Research on Remote Data Possession Checking. Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 6(12): 42-50, 2011.
43. Lanxiang Chen, Gongde Guo. An Efficient Remote Data Possession Checking in Cloud Storage. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 5(4): 43-50, 2011.
44. Lanxiang Chen. Using Algebraic Signatures for Remote Data Possession Checking. International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC 2011), pp. 289-294, 2011.
45. Lanxiang Chen, Dan Feng, Yu Zhang, Lingfang Zeng and Zhongying Niu. Integrating FPGA/ASIC into cryptographic storage systems to avoid re-encryption. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 25(2): 105–122, 2010.
46. Lanxiang Chen, Shuming Zhou. The Comparisons between Public key and Symmetric key Cryptography in Protecting Storage Systems. 2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM’10), pp. 494-502, 2010.
47. Shuming Zhou, Lanxiang Chen. Fault Tolerance of (n, k)-Star Graphs. The 5th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE'10), pp. 239-243, 2010.
48. Shuming Zhou, Lanxiang Chen. Fault Tolerant Maximal Local Connectivity of Alternating Group Networks. The 2010 3rd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP'10), pp. 4394-4398, 2010.
49. Lanxiang Chen, Dan Feng, Zhan Shi, Feng Zhou. Using Session Identifiers as Authentication Tokens. The 2009 (44th) IEEE Conference on Communication (ICC 2009), in Dresden,Germany, June 14-18, 2009.
50. Lanxiang Chen, Dan Feng, Lingfang Zeng, Yu Zhang. A Direction to Avoid Re-encryption in Cryptographic File Sharing. IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2007), pp. 375–383, 2007.
51. Dan Feng, Lanxiang Chen, Lingfang Zeng, Zhongying Niu. FPGA/ASIC based Cryptographic Object Store System. IEEE Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security (IAS 2007), pp. 267-272, 2007.
52. Lanxiang Chen, Dan Feng. Dynamic Security Policy for Credential-based Storage Systems. IEEE Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Convergence Information Technology (ICCIT 2007), pp. 1162-1167, 2007.
53. Lanxiang Chen, Dan Feng, Liang Ming. The Security Threats and Corresponding Measures to Distributed Storage Systems. Source: The 7th International Symposium on Advanced Parallel Proceeding (APPT 2007), pp. 548–556, 2007.
54. Lanxiang Chen, Dan Feng. An Efficient Credential-based Scheme for Cross-domain File Sharing. IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS 2007), pp. 614-617, 2007.
Subjects Taught
Linux Operating System, Computer Networks, Programming – C Language, Java Programming, Cloud Computing and Virtualization Technology, Application Security of New Technologies (postgraduate course), Internet of Things Data Storage and management, Cloud computing security, English for computer professionals, Introduction to computer science, Principles and applications of network management, Basic university computer applications, etc.