Vice President Wanlei Zhou leads a delegation to Hainan for academic exchange, focusing on the cutting-edge trends of data science

The undergraduate education program in Data Science and Big Data Technology, jointly organized by City University of Macau and Minzu University of China, has been in operation for nearly a year. In order to strengthen the connection between the two universities and promote academic exchanges, Wanlei Zhou, Vice President of City University of Macau and Dean of the Faculty of Data Science, recently led a teaching team to Hainan International College of Minzu University of China for an academic visit. During this period, in order to broaden students' horizons in the field of data science, understand the trends and cutting-edge developments of the discipline, the exchange group held a series of academic lectures, focusing on digital China and technological power. The lectures were given by Vice President Wanlei Zhou, Graduate Programme Coordinator and Associate Professor Zuobin Ying of the Faculty of Data Science, and Associate Professor Junwei Duan. Wenjian Liu, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Data Science at the City University of Macau, representatives of teachers from the School of Information Engineering at the Minzu University of China, and all students majoring in Data Science and Big Data Technology at Hainan International College attended the lecture. 


Vice President Wanlei Zhou gave a lecture on the topic of "Current Development, Challenges and Trends in Data Science", pointing out that data science is widely recognized in various industries and occupies a leading position in advanced fields such as AI and cloud computing. This direction has a huge demand for talents and applications, and there are many opportunities. Vice President Wanlei shared his views on the current challenges and future trends of data science, summarized several key points for students to learn data science, and used his own research as an example to showcase cutting-edge research content in the industry. He explained in detail the research methods, steps, and results of data science. 


Associate Professor Zuobin Ying gave a keynote lecture on "Building the Foundation of the Next Generation Distributed Trusted Network - Preliminary Exploration of Blockchain Technology" to the students. Firstly, the movie "The Matrix" was introduced, and the three stages of network development were summarized in humorous language. Then, through the description and explanation of the Bitcoin network as an example, the application of blockchain technology and its important role in ensuring transaction security were explained in detail. 


Associate Professor Junwei Duan's lecture topic is "Medical Data Analysis Methods and Applications Based on Wide Learning", which mainly introduces the research on computational intelligence theory and shares examples of applying research results to biomedical fields. Through the explanation of wide learning neural networks and their variants, students have a clear understanding of the connotation of related research fields. In addition, the introduction of various medical related application examples, such as automatic detection of epileptic EEG signals, has deepened everyone's understanding of the importance of wide learning neural networks. 


During the interactive sessions of each lecture, teachers and students actively asked questions, and the three speakers provided detailed and thoughtful answers to the concerns of teachers and students about technical security, privacy protection, research entry points, and future research directions. The students expressed that the series of lectures broadened their horizons, expanded their thinking, and benefited greatly.